Course code 09 80 3132 00
Number of ECTS points 3
Course title in the language of instruction
Information Technologies I
Course title in Polish Information Technology I (Technologie informatyczne I)
Course title in English
Information Technologies I
Language of instruction English
Form of classes
Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total of teaching hours during semester
Contact hours 15 30 0 45
E-learning Yes No No No No No
Assessment criteria (weightage) 0.25 0.75 0.00
Unit running the course Katedra Systemów Zarządzania i Innowacji
Course coordinator dr inż. Agnieszka Pietras
Course instructors dr inż. Jan Grudziecki
Course learning outcomes
  1. Student after completing the course: Distinguishes contemporary IT infrastructure and communication models.
  2. Student after completing the course: Creates text documents, performs calculations and basic statistical analysis using office software and group work tools.
  3. Student after completing the course: Protects data against loss and unauthorized access and verifies a secure connection to the selected website.
Programme learning outcomes
  1. Student selects appropriate techniques and methods of data acquisition for solving the managerial and marketing problems, including the use of information
  2. Student uses appropriate principles, methods and techniques to solve managerial problems
  3. Student follows new solutions in the area of management and its supporting tools
Programme content The subject is an introduction to the basic issues in the field of modern information technologies. The competence spectrum includes knowledge and skills necessary in everyday life in the digital society as well as in the use of information technology in solving engineering problems.
Assessment methods
learning outcome 1:  tests on the e-learning platform
learning outcomes 2, 3:  practical tests on computing, discussion about results obtained

Grading policies Completing the course requires: 1. Completion of the e-learning module 25% 2. Completion of obligatory laboratory tasks 75%
Course content Lecture (e-learning): 1. Work in the Microsoft Office 365 office suite. 2. Microsoft Outlook group collaboration tools. 3. The principle of operation of a modern computer. 4. Task processing environment. 5. Basics of operating the Windows 10 operating system. 6. Basics of managing and configuring the Windows 10 operating system. 7. Local and access networks. 8. Internet network. 9. Internet services: HTTP and DNS. 10. E-services in Polish administration and economy. 11. Phishing and defense methods. 12. Protection of personal data. Laboratory: 1. Office365 - text edition. 2. Office365 - spreadsheet. 3. Office365 - publishing and groupware tools. 4. Data protection. 5. Basics of network and security on the Internet. 6. The practical use of virtualization and free software
Basic reference materials
  1. Wróblewski P.: ABC Komputera, wydanie 10, Helion, 2015
  2. Rafał Kawa, Jacek Lembas. Wykłady z informatyki. PWN, 2017
  3. Stallings W., Brown L.: Bezpieczeństwo systemów informatycznych. Zasady i praktyka. Wydanie 4. Tom 1 i 2, Helion, 2019
  4. Yosifovich P., Alex Ionescu A., Russinovich M. E., Solomon D. A.: Windows od środka. Wydanie 7, Helion, 2018
  5. Russel B.: Podstawy sieci komputerowych. Helion, 2009
  6. Dokumentacja systemu Windows 10
  7. Dokumentacja pakietu Office 365
Other reference materials
  1. Stallings W.: Systemy operacyjne. Architektura, funkcjonowanie i projektowanie. Wydanie 9, Helion, 2018
  2. Tanenbaum A. S., Bos H.: Systemy Operacyjne, Wydanie 4, Helion, 2015
  3. Tanenbaum A. S., Wetherall D.: Sieci komputerowe. Wydanie V, Helion 2012
  4. - portal poświęcony zagadnieniom bezpieczeństwa w sieci
Average student workload outside classroom
Updated on 2020-03-02 15:09:50
Archival course yes/no no