Course code 02 52 6437 00
Number of ECTS points 4
Course title in the language of instruction
Programowanie sieciowe 1
Course title in Polish Programowanie sieciowe 1
Course title in English
Network Programming
Language of instruction Polish
Form of classes
Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total of teaching hours during semester
Contact hours 10 10 0 20
E-learning No No No No No No
Assessment criteria (weightage) 0.30 0.70 0.00
Unit running the course Instytut Informatyki Stosowanej
Course coordinator dr inż. Radosław Wajman
Course instructors dr inż. Radosław Wajman
Required ability of structural and object oriented programming as well as understanding of computer networks.
Course learning outcomes
  1. to design and implement network application in client-server technology,
  2. to use TCP/IP and UDP/IP protocol to develop network communication,
  3. to implement exception's strategy,
  4. to develop web services.
Programme learning outcomes
  1. Student has advanced knowledge and understanding of computer science fundamentals and selected topics from various areas of computer science, knows and understands how computer equipment works as well as basic processes in the life cycle of technical devices and systems.
  2. Student is able to design, implement and evaluate an IT system that fulfils imposed requirements, by selecting appropriate IT techniques and tools for this purpose.
  3. Student is able to combine computer science theories, software engineering practices and specialized knowledge of various IT areas (in the process of working out a solution to a problem).
Programme content In a frame of the course there will be introduced: the methods for client-server type application development using TCP, UDP protocols and the Berkeley sockets system in various programming languages. Some techniques of exceptions catching will be presented. Student will get skills in programming of multi-clients? network applications. Next, the example development environment will be presented to create and deploy extensions for network devices.
Assessment methods
1. Project and training programs
2. Project
3. Project and training programs
4. Training programs

Grading policies Training programms, final project and oral exam
Course content LECTURE 1. Programming of client-server application in TCP/IP networks a. ISO/OSI Network model b. Programmatic access to transport layer, network layer, data link layer c. Programming of client-server application with use of TCP/IP , UDP/IP protocols and Berkeley socket Interface 2. Use of C++, C#/Java languages for network programming for IBM/PC or Macintosh platforms 3. Development of common web services LABORATORY 1. Developing and implementing 3 network communicating programs for training purpouses. 2. Developing and implementing final program. The programs train students with developing and implementing basic communication schemes in client-server or peer-to-peer communication.
Basic reference materials
  1. W. Richard Stevens, Gary R. Wright, BIBLIA TCP/IP T.1/T.2, WNT/RM, Prentice Hall, 1998 (pl)
  2. S. Orłowski, M. Grabek, C#. Tworzenie aplikacji sieciowych. Gotowe projekty:, Helion, 2012
  3. Douglas E. Comer, Sieci komputerowe TCP/IP, Tomy 1, 2, 3 WNT 1997
  4. R.Stevens, UNIX. Programowanie usług sieciowych. Tom 1 - API: gniazda i XTI; WNT, 2002
  5. R.Stevens: UNIX. Programowanie usług sieciowych. Tom 2 - Komunikacja międzyprocesowa; WNT, 2002
  7. Wollisz A.: Podstawy lokalnych sieci komputerowych. Tom 2: Oprogramowanie komunikacyjne i usługi sieciowe. WNT 1992.
  8. A Sopala, Pisanie programów internetowych; Mikom 2000 wydanie I
Other reference materials
  1. Publikacje sieciowe firmy Microsoft, Apple
  2. Repozytoria RFC
  3. Dokumentacja programistyczna
Average student workload outside classroom
Updated on 2019-11-07 11:52:00
Archival course yes/no no