Course code 02 40 6178 00
Number of ECTS points 4
Course title in the language of instruction
Digital Systems
Course title in Polish Digital Systems (Układy cyfrowe)
Course title in English
Digital Systems
Language of instruction English
Type of classes
Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total of teaching hours during semester
Contact hours 30 10 15 0 55
E-learning Yes Yes No No No No
Assessment criteria (weightage) 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Unit running the course Instytut Elektroniki
Course coordinator dr inż. Piotr Dębiec
Course instructors dr inż. Piotr Dębiec
Basic knowledge of algebra, propositional calculus, and programming.
Course learning outcomes
  1. Skills in analyzing simple combinational and sequential circuits.
  2. Skills in designing simple, non-standard combinational circuits.
  3. Skills in designing simple, synchronous finite state machine given the state transition diagram of the circuit.
  4. Skills in finding formal models of simple digital circuits given a description of its operation.
Programme learning outcomes
  1. Basic knowledge in the field of mathematics, physics and engineering and technical sciences; detailed knowldege in the field of electronics and telecommunications including selected issues from electrical engineering, automation and technical information technology.
  2. Ability to use one's knowledge from the area of electrical circuits, analog and digital electronic circuits, microelectronics, microprocessor and computer systems as well as non-technical aspects to design, build, commision and test an electronic system.
Programme content Boolean algebra, logic gates, design and minimization of combinational devices, decoders, adder, comparators, arithmetic-logic unit, flip-flops and latches, triggering conditions, synthesis and analysis of simple synchronous sequential systems - counters, registers, controllers. Design of sequential system given a state transition diagram or on the basis of functional specifications.
Assessment methods
Learning outcomes 1, 2, 3, and 4: two written tests.
Learning outcome 1 and 3: short tests during laboratory sessions.

Grading policies Attendance in lab sessions and tests, attendance in lecture tests and gaining at least 2,5 points for each of them. Positive grade is given for at least 60% of points possible to obtain (including a bonus for activity and conceptual understanding test).
Course content LECTURE 1. Numeral systems: binary, octal, hexadecimal. Binary codes: Gray, '1 of n', two's complement (U2), sign-magnitude, thermometric code, fixed and floating point representations of real numbers. 2. Boolean Algebra vs. propositional calculus, binary Boolean algebra, truth table, canonical forms, normal forms: conjunctive and disjunctive, minterms, maxterms. 3. Minimization of digital systems using Karnaugh maps and their realization with AND, OR, NOT gates. 4. Design and analysis of basic combinatorial circuits: XOR and XNOR gates, voting machine, priority encoder, decoders, 1-bit half adder and 1-bit full adder, multiplexers and demultiplexers. 5. Design and analysis of basic iterative combinatorial circuits: adder, U2 generator, subtractor, comparators, arithmetic-logic unit (ALU), BIN->Gray and Gray-BIN decoders, multiplier, arithmetic-logic unit (ALU), processor flags, memories, non-standard functional blocks. 6. Realization of minimal combinatorial systems using: NAND+NOT gates, NOR+NOT gates, multiplexers, BIN->'1 of n' decoders. NAND, NOR, NOT gates implementations in CMOS technology. 7. Latches and flip-flops as 1-bit memories: operation, triggering conditions. Descritpion of flip-flops and latches: state transition table (STT), state transition equations (STEs), state transition diagram (STD), excitation table. 8. Analysis and design of synchronous sequential systems: registers, counters, controllers, sequence detectors and generators, frequency divisors, non-standard systems, Moore machine vs. Mealy machine. Timings for different triggering conditions. 9. Synchronous iterative systems (serial circuits): adder, U2 generator, subtractor, comparators, non-standard systems. TUTORIALS In tutorials students deepen their knowledge acquired during lectures by solving digital design and analysis problems. LABORATORY 1. Logic gates and gate connections (2 hrs). 2. Combinatorial circuit design using NAND gates (2 hrs). 3. Applications of multiplexers (2 hrs). 4. Combinatorial iterative circuits (2 hrs). 5. Analysis of synchronous sequential circuits (2 hrs). 6. Analysis and synthesis of synchronous sequential circuits. Shift registers (2 hrs).
Basic reference materials
  1. Mano M. M., Ciletti M., Digital Design, 5th edition, Prentice Hall Inc., 2013.
  2. Burger P.: Digital Design. A Practical Course, John Willey & Sons, Inc., New York, 1988.
  3. Wilkinson B.: Digital System Design, Prentice Hall, 2003.
  4. Lecture and laboratory materials published on the web page: (login: student_eit, pass: logika).
  5. Tyszer J., Mrugalski G., Pogiel A., Czysz D., "Technika cyfrowa. Zbiór zadań z rozwiązaniami.", Wydawnictwo BTC, 2010 (in Polish).
Other reference materials
  1. Mano M.: Computer System Architecture, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall Inc., 1994.
  2. Tyszer J., Mrugalski G.: Układy cyfrowe : zbiór zadań z rozwiązaniami, Wydaw. Politechniki Poznańskiej, 2004 (in Polish).
  3. Źródła internetowe (Internet resources).
Average student workload outside classroom
Updated on 2024-02-25 21:27:35
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