Course code 02 96 6179 00
Number of ECTS points 6
Course title in the language of instruction
Team Project
Course title in Polish Team Project (Projekt grupowy)
Course title in English
Team Project
Language of instruction English
Form of classes
Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total of teaching hours during semester
Contact hours 40 0 40
E-learning No No No No No No
Assessment criteria (weightage) 1.00 0.00
Unit running the course Instytut Elektroniki
Course coordinator dr inż. Krzysztof Tomalczyk
Course instructors dr inż. Wojciech Bieniecki, dr inż. Zbigniew Chaniecki, dr hab. Szymon Grabowski, dr inż. Krzysztof Grudzień, dr inż. Rafał Kotas, dr hab. inż. Volodymyr Mosorov, dr inż. Zdzisława Rowińska, dr inż. Bartosz Sakowicz, dr inż. Przemysław Sękalski
Introduction to PBL
Interdisciplinary Problem-Based Learning Project
Course learning outcomes
  1. Acquisition of knowledge and/or skills related to the programme?s discipline, referring to problems identified in given project topic.
  2. Development of team skills (team building, work and communication) as well as skills related to documentation and presentation of own and team work results.
  3. Strengthening of previously learned problem-based project work methods and tools.
Programme learning outcomes
  1. A student is able to analyse a complex problem and propose solutions, showing creativity in combining knowledge of computer science and other, problem-specific areas, producing a technical specification of requirements for the future implementation.
  2. A student is able to combine computer science theories, software engineering practices and specialized knowledge of various IT areas (in the process of working out a solution to a problem).
  3. A student is able to communicate effectively, also in a foreign language, to work individually and in a team, and to plan and to pursue effective self-education.
  4. A student is ready to fulfil professional roles responsibly, based on legal, ethical and social principles, thinking and acting in an entrepreneurial manner.
  5. A student is ready to perform critical assessment of own knowledge or acquired information, including assumptions, arguments and data presented in support of them, to recognize the importance of knowledge in solving problems and to consult experts.
  6. A student is prepared to interact actively with the society, addressing current challenges, knowing and understanding the importance and impact of cultural diversity.
Programme content Implementation of a problem-based project in team work (teams of 4 to 5 students), under the supervision of a teacher ? specialist in a course-related field of study, problem-based learning (PBL) and teambuilding and communication skills (TBCS). The aim of the course is to develop an innovative solution to the engineering problem using project tools acquired in previous semesters. Planning and organization of project meetings. Project implementation in the following phases: - information searching, identifying users / stakeholders, - identifying and defining problems, - searching for possible solutions, - choosing the best solutions, - prototyping, - testing / evaluation. Preparation and maintenance of project documentation. Presentation of the team?s project work effects ? in progress and for the final evaluation.
Assessment methods
Effect 1
a.	Activity observation during project meetings.
b.	Review of the final report.
c.	Final presentation and discussion.
d.	Technical questions session.

Effect 2
a.	Self and peer assessment.
b.	Mid-term and final presentations and discussions.
c.	Activity observation during project meetings. 

Effect 3
a.	Activity observation during project meetings.
b.	Review of the final report.
c.	Mid-term and final presentations and discussions.

Grading policies The evaluation covers: - final report, - mid-term presentation and discussion, - final presentation and discussion, - technical questions session, - student's activity during project meetings, - student's involvement in team building and work. The condition for passing the subject is to obtain all the above grades positive.
Course content Project implementation stages: 1. problem analysis ? information searching, identifying users / stakeholders, identifying and defining specific problems, final determination of the problem to be solved. 2. mid-term presentation. 3. Solution development ? searching for possible solutions, best solutuion choice, prototyping, testing / evaluation. 4. final report preparation. 5. final presentation, technical questions session. During project implementation, the team maintains its progress documentation, including project meeting agendas and minutes. At least once a week the team meets the supervisor to discuss the project progress.
Basic reference materials
  1. Duch, B. J., Groh, S. E, & Allen, D. E. (Eds.). (2001). The power of problem-based learning. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
  2. Soundstorm, E.; de Meuse, K. P.; Futrell, D. (1990). "Work teams: Applications and effectiveness". American Psychologist. 45 (2): 120?133. doi:10.1037/0003-066x.45.2.120
  3. Subjected to project context, problem-related
Other reference materials
  1. Zależna od tematyki projektu / Project topic related
Average student workload outside classroom
Updated on 2021-07-07 16:50:54
Archival course yes/no no