Course code 09 21 1330 02
Number of ECTS points 3
Course title in the language of instruction
Course title in Polish Makroekonomia
Course title in English
Language of instruction Polish
Form of classes
Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total of teaching hours during semester
Contact hours 15 30 0 45
E-learning No No No No No No
Assessment criteria (weightage) 0.50 0.50 0.00
Unit running the course Instytut Nauk Społecznych i Zarządzania Technologiami
Course coordinator dr inż. Tomasz Jasiński
Course instructors dr inż. Tomasz Jasiński, dr inż. Marek Martin, dr Dariusz Siudak
no requirements
Course learning outcomes
  1. Get to know, memorize and understand the main means of macroeconomics.
  2. Get to know and understand selected models of macroeconomics.
  3. Ability to solve on one's own problems of macroeconomic optimalization.
Programme learning outcomes
    Programme content Basic knowledge in the area of macroeconomics enriched with numerical exercises.
    Assessment methods
    Learning outcomes: 1, 2 - a final test.
    Learning outcomes 3 - numerical problems.
    Grading policies Lecture - written test, exercises - numerical problems in written form.
    Course content LECTURE 1. The problems and categories with Macroeconomics. 1.1. Macroeconomics as a subject. 1.2. Tools and aims of Microeconomics. 2. The main streams of Microeconomics. 2.1. Classic Economics, 2.2. Keynes philosophy, 2.3. Renewal of liberal and conservative conceptions, monetarist, new classic economics, economics of supply. 3. Macroeconomics computation. 3.1. GDP - concept, the aims and methodology of calculation. 3.2. Others criterions of the social accountancy like GDP per capita, Economical welfare net 3.3. The economical development and growth. 4. The determinants of national profits. 4.1. The demand condition of national profits 4.2. The supply factors of national income 4.3. Multiplier effects. 4.4. Short term balance on the goods and services markets. 5. Nation and the nation budget.. 5.1. Active and passive role of the state.. 5.2. National budget, income and expenditures. 5.3. Fiscal and monetary policy 5.4. The budget deficit and public debt. 6. Money and monetary system. 6.1. Money and the money market 6.2. The bank and the banking system. 6.3. Nation monetary policy - objectives and tools of realisation. 7. The cycle of market condition. 7.1. The concept of cycle of market condition. 7.2. The courses and reasons of market conditions fluctuations. 7.3. The methods of the nation influences of the course of market condition. 8. Unemployment. 8.1. The concept, types and measurement of unemployment. 8.2. The reasons of unemployment - the main theories of unemployment. 8.3. The nation policy on employment market. 9. Inflation. 9.1. Concept and measurement of inflation. 9.2. The reasons of inflations - the main theories of inflation. 9.3. The anti-inflation policy in Poland. 10. Economical policy into the open economy. 10.1. Balance of payment. 10.2. Currency rate. 10.3. Globalization in economy. EXERCISES Solving numerical problem and illustrate the content carried out during the lecture.
    Basic reference materials
    1. Milewski R., Podstawy ekonomii, PWN, Warszawa 1999
    Other reference materials
    1. Caban W., Ekonomia, podręcznik dla studiów licencjackich, PWE
    2. Czarny B., Podstawy ekonomii, PWE, Warszawa 1998
    3. Samuelson P. A., Nordhaus W. D., Ekonomia 1, Ekonomia 2, PWN, Warszawa 2004
    Average student workload outside classroom
    Updated on 2019-06-06 17:56:31
    Archival course yes/no no