Course code 13 15 0510 20
ECTS credits 4
Course title in the language of instruction
Zarządzanie zapasami i łańcuchem dostaw
Course title in Polish Zarządzanie zapasami i łańcuchem dostaw
Course title in English
Inventory Managment and Supply Chain
Language of instruction Polish
Course level first cycle
Course coordinator dr hab. Andrzej Szymonik
Course instructors dr Anita Fajczak-Kowalska
Delivery methods and course duration
Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total of teaching hours during semester
Contact hours 30 30 0 60
E-learning Yes Yes No No No No
Assessment criteria (weightage) 0.50 0.50 0.00
Course objective
  1. The objective of the course is to show the all the theoretical and practical issues dealingwith logistics system of modern enterprise.
Learning outcomes
  1. The student should have knowledge of supply chain management including basic logistics systems in the enterprise and inventory management.
  2. The student should have the competencies enabling the use of measures and indicators to assess the supply chain management in the context of strategies and factors integrating their links.
  3. After completing the course the student should have skills in the use and application of information technologies that support and integrate the flow of information in the supply chain.
Assessment methods
1), 2),3) written assessment with open questions

Basic economic skills.
Course content with delivery methods
1. Definition of logistics
2. Functional and phase logistics division in the company
3. Supplies and supply management
4. The essence of supply chain
5. Supply chain management ? methods, tools, indicators, evaluation criteria
6. Supply chain management strategies
7. Factors that integrate companies into supply chains
8. Process and phase analysis of supply chain
9.  Information technologies that support and integrate information flow in the supply chain
10. Electronic exchange for the efficient supply chain functioning
11. Telematics in transport processes

Basic reference materials
  1. Bozarth C., Handfield R., Wprowadzenie do zarządzania operacjami i łańcuchem dostaw, OnePress, 2007
  2. Szymonik A., Zarządzanie zapasami i łańcuchem dostaw, Difin, 2013
Other reference materials
  1. Twaróg J., Mierniki i wskaźniki logistyczne, ILiM, Poznań, 2005
  2. Christopher M., Strategia zarządzania dystrybucją, Placet, Warszawa, 1999
Average student workload outside classroom
Last update 2021-02-13 15:03:50