Course code 07 53 2704 20
ECTS credits 3
Course title in the language of instruction
Fizyka środowiska
Course title in Polish Fizyka środowiska
Course title in English
Environmental Science
Language of instruction Polish
Course level first-cycle programme
Course coordinator dr inż. Marek Izdebski
Course instructors
Delivery methods and course duration
Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total of teaching hours during semester
Contact hours 30 0 30
E-learning No No No No No No
Assessment criteria (weightage) 1.00 0.00
Course objective
  1. Explaining the main problems with predicting the climate on the Earth.
  2. Characterising the energy sources, showing advantages and disadvantages of each source.
  3. Describing typical pollutants and their transport mechanism in different media.
Learning outcomes
  1. A student who has completed the course can characterize factors and parameters influencing the climate on Earth and connect them with changes in the environment resulting from human activity or with natural processes occurring in the environment (FFT1A_U18).
  2. Student has basic knowledge about available energy sources, including social and economic aspects of their exploitation (FFT1A_W21).
  3. Student knows and understands the fundamental laws describing the transport of pollutants, heat exchange, interaction of solar radiation with matter, and laws related to weather and climate modeling (FFT1A_W08).
  4. Student knows mechanisms enabling control of noise and amount of waste, also in the context of managing the lifecycle of devices and technical objects (FFT1A_W18).
  5. Student can present a chosen problem related to environmental science with reference to social effects of technical development (FFT1A_K09).
Assessment methods
learning outcome 1 - written test (question 1),
learning outcome 2 - written test (question 2),
learning outcome 3 - written test (questions 3,4),
learning outcome 4 - written test (question 5),
learning outcome 5 - presentation on chosen topic and discussion.

Elements of mathematical analysis (differential and integral calculus). Basic knowledge in physics and chemistry.
Course content with delivery methods
1. Introduction - what environmental physics is?
2. Solar radiation - basic physical quantities and laws, interaction of solar radiation with matter, solar spectrum, solar ultraviolet, ozone filter, photochemical reactions in biology.
3. Global climate and weather on Earth ? the greenhouse effect, changes in the composition of the atmosphere, vertical structure of the atmosphere, horizontal air flows, weather forecasts, climate changes and their modeling.
4. Energy - heat exchange, energy conversion efficiency, renewable and non-renewable energy sources.
5. Transport phenomena in the environment - basic laws and examples of their use to describe the transport of pollutants in rivers and air.
6. Noise and elements of acoustics - sound wave equation, basic quantities to be used for the description of noise and sound, noise sources, noise suppression, normalization of noise measurement methods, permissible noise levels.
7. Fundamentals of spectroscopy - overview of molecular spectroscopy methods and examples of spectroscopic environmental analysis.
8. Students' presentations and participation in the discussions.
Basic reference materials
  1. E. Boeker, R. van Grondelle, "Fizyka środowiska", Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2002.
  2. J.L. Monteith, M.H. Unsworth, "Principles of environmental physics" (jęz. angielski), Third edition, Elsevier, Amsterdam 2008.
Other reference materials
  1. H. Haken, H. Wolf, "Fizyka molekularna z elementami chemii kwantowej", Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 1998.
  2. C. Smith, "Environmental Physics" (jęz. angielski), Routledge, London and New York, 2006.
  3. N. Mason, P. Hughes, "Introduction to environmental physics. Planet Earth, life and climate" (jęz. angielski), Taylor & Francis, London and New York 2001.
Average student workload outside classroom
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Last update 2019-10-05 19:22:42