Gestion et Technologie - starting from 2019/20 academic year - in French


Assesment methods:

E - exam

Semester 1

Course code Course title in Polish ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 480
00 01 1118 00 Study Skills for University 1 30 0
01 31 0253 00 Information Technology 1 4 30 0
01 31 0256 00 Materials Science 3 15 30 0
01 31 0266 00 Engineering Drawing 2 10 20 0 E
01 31 0273 00 Measurements 3 30 15 0
03 01 0142 01 Chemistry 3 15 30 0
07 01 1109 19 Physics 3 30 15 0 E
21 01 1246 00 Mathematics 1 8 30 90 0 E
22 91 4520 10 Français académique pour les ingénieurs 1 (Academic French for Engineers 1) 3 60 0

Semester 2

Course code Course title in Polish ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 505
01 31 0262 00 Construction assistée par l'ordinateur (Computer Aided Design) 3 15 30 0
01 31 0263 00 Mécanique 3 20 20 20 0
02 03 5889 00 Technologie de l'information 2 (Information Technology 2) 4 45 0
02 05 6287 00 Ingénierie électronique et électrique (Electronic and Electrical Engineering) 3 15 15 15 0 E
09 82 1022 00 Savoir civil et l'engagement 1 (Civic Knowledge and Engagement 1) 1 0
21 01 1247 00 Mathematiques 2 (Mathematics 2) 8 50 70 0 E
21 02 1097 00 Physique moderne (Modern Physics) 3 20 20 0
22 91 4520 20 Français académique pour les ingénieurs 2 (Academic French for Engineers 2) 1 30 0
22 91 4550 00 Introduction a l'apprentissage par probleme (Introduction to PBL) 1 15 0
22 92 0500 10 Foreign Language Block 1 (Język obcy blok 1) 3 60 0
23 92 3111 10 Physical Education (Wychowanie fizyczne) 0 30 0

Semester 3

Course code Course title in Polish ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 421
00 13 1203 00 Gestion et organisation (Management) 4 30 30 0 E
00 13 1204 00 Microéconomie (Microeconomics) 3 15 30 0
01 31 0265 00 Thermodynamique et conversion d'énérgie (Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion) 5 26 18 16 0
09 82 1023 00 Savoir civil et l'engagement 2 (Civic Knowledge and Engagement 2) 1 0
09 82 1630 01 Introduction aux finances (Introduction to Finance) 4 30 30 0 E
09 82 1740 00 Interdisciplinary Problem-Based Learning Project 5 30 0
21 01 1248 00 Mathematics 3 3 15 30 0 E
22 91 4520 30 Français académique pour les ingénieurs 3 (Academic French for Engineers 3) 2 30 0
22 91 4520 40 Français académique pour les ingénieurs - certification (Academic French for Engineers - certification) 0 1 0
22 92 0500 20 Foreign Language Block 2 (Język obcy blok 2) 3 60 0
23 92 3111 20 Physical Education (Wychowanie fizyczne) 0 30 0

Semester 4

Course code Course title in Polish ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 340
00 13 1205 00 Gestion de la production (Production Management) 6 30 30 0 E
00 13 1206 00 Macroéconomie (Macroeconomics) 2 15 15 0
01 31 0264 00 Automatisation de processus industriels (Automation of Manufacturing Processes) 5 30 30 0 E
09 82 1024 00 Savoir civil et l'engagement 3 (Civic Knowledge and Engagement 3) 1 0
09 82 1109 05 Projet en groupe (Team Project) 6 40 0
09 82 1463 02 Processus de fabrication (Manufacturing) 5 15 30 0 E
09 82 1730 00 Statistique et les bases de l'économetrié (Statistics with Elements of Econometrics) 3 15 30 0
22 92 0500 30 Foreign Language Block 3 (Język obcy blok 3) 2 30 0
23 92 3111 30 Physical Education (Wychowanie fizyczne) 0 30 0

Semester 5

Course code Course title in Polish ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 300
00 13 1207 00 Comptabilité (Accounting) 5 30 30 0 E
00 13 1208 00 Ecologie et management environnemental (Ecology and Environmental Management) 3 15 15 0
00 13 1209 00 Gestion de ressources humaines (Human Resources Management) 4 15 30 0 E
09 82 1025 00 Savoir civil et l'engagement 4 (Civic Knowledge and Engagement 4) 1 0
09 82 1090 06 Marketing 4 15 30 0 E
09 82 1465 01 Systémes informatiques dans la fabrication (Information Systems in Manufacturing) 4 30 0
09 82 1735 00 Esprit d'ingenierie et d’entreprise (Entrepreneurial and Engineering Mindset) 9 90 0

Semester 6

Course code Course title in Polish ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 0
set 3 of elective courses Mobility Semester 30 0

set 3 of elective courses - Mobility Semester

Elective Courses from a partner university

Semester 7

Course code Course title in Polish ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 285
00 13 1210 00 Logistique (Logistics) 6 15 30 0
01 31 0320 00 Ingénierie de production et documentation industrielle (Production Engineering and Documentation) 6 30 30 0
01 31 0321 00 Management de la qualité (Quality Management) 6 15 30 0
01 31 0335 00 Proséminaire (Diploma Proseminar) 1 15 0
05 37 0061 00 Droit des affaires (Economic Law) 3 15 15 0
05 37 0062 00 Ingenierie de l'innovation (Innovation) 3 15 15 0
09 82 1160 02 Méthodes des recherches en business (Research Methods in Business) 3 10 20 0
22 91 4551 00 Comportement organisationnel et sociologie (Organisational Behaviour and Sociology) 2 15 15 0

Semester 8

Course code Course title in Polish ECTS L T Lab P S O Exam
Total of credits 30.0   Total of teaching hours 20
09 82 1044 00 Examen de compétence (Competency Exam) 0 0 E
09 82 1200 06 Projet de fin d’études (Final Project) 15 10
09 82 1467 01 Séminaire (Final Project Seminar) 1 10 0
09 82 1468 01 Stage professionnel (Industrial Placement) 12 0
set 3 of elective courses Elective Course 2 0

set 3 of elective courses - Elective Course
