Obtained qualifications
Level of studies
first-cycle programme [6th PQF level]
Detailed admission criteria
Procedures for the recognition of learning outcomes
Principles, conditions and methods of confirming learning outcomes at the Lodz University of Technology is specified in Resolution No. 18/2021 of the Senate of the Lodz University of Technology of 26th May 2021.
Regulation No. 64/2021 of the Rector of the Lodz University of Technology of October 28, 2021 on the deadlines for submitting applications in the procedure for confirming learning outcomes and templates of documents for confirming learning outcomes at the Lodz University of Technology from the academic year 2021/2022.
Announcement on the amount of fees for confirming learning outcomes collected from applicants for admission to studies at TUL by confirming learning outcomes.
Qualification requirements and regulations
The studies end with obtaining the first degree qualifications, the professional title of an engineer confirmed by a relevant diploma and require to:
• obtain no less than 210 ECTS points;
• achieve targeted learning outcomes consistent with the learning outcomes in a given area / areas of education in accordance with the relevant regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education;
• achieve learning outcomes leading to engineering competences in accordance with the relevant regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education.
Profile of the field of study
Main learning outcomes
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Graduate profile / key competences
Further education opportunities
second-cycle programme, non-degree postgraduate programmes
Information concerning examination, evaluation, and grading scale
Principles of examination, assessment and grading scale at the Lodz University of Technology:
1. Credits for classes in a course are made by the teacher or the course director in accordance with the rules set out in the course sheet. In particular, passing a course may take the form of an examination.
2. The examination is a test of the learning outcomes achieved by the student, specified in the course sheet. The examination may be oral or written, or both.
3. The results of the examination or other form of verification of the learning outcomes should be available to the student at least 48 hours before the last of the subject credit deadlines set in a given examination session and not later than 10 days from the completion of the credit.
4. The course manager or the lecturer has the right to designate, at the student's request or on his / her own initiative, an additional so-called zero exam date in the period preceding the exam session.
5. Completion of a course which, according to the curriculum, does not end with an examination is made after passing all the components of the course. The final grade for the course is determined in this case, in accordance with the entries in the course sheet, as a weighted average of partial grades from the component forms of the course, unless the detailed record on the course sheet states otherwise.
6. A student has the right to take the exam at least twice in the semester in which the subject is being conducted and to sit the exam at least twice in the exam session in the next semester.
7. The last exam grade obtained in chronological order is the final grade. This does not apply to the competency exam for which the first positive grade is the final grade.
8. The competence examination is a special form of confirmation of the achievement of the learning outcomes concerning the aggregated directional learning outcomes of the study program.
It is organized during the last semester of studies. The competency examination is conducted orally, which may be supplemented with a written form.
The examination is carried out by a commission appointed by the Vice-Dean. The result of the competency examination becomes part of the grade for studies, in accordance with the regulations of studies. A student has the right to take the competence examination at least twice during the semester.
9. The following grading scale is used at the Lodz University of Technology: 5.0 (five); 4.5 (four and a half); 4.0 (four); 3.5 (three and a half); 3.0 (three); 2.0 (two). The lowest and only failing grade is 2.0 (two).
10. Physical education classes are counted with the entry "zal", which has no equivalent in the numerical grade and is not included in the calculation of the average grade.
11. Internships can be credited with the entry "credit" or with a numerical grade, according to the study program.
12. The status of submitting the diploma thesis is recorded in the IT system with the entry "pass".
13. The average grade for a given period of study is calculated as the weighted average of the grades from the subjects credited in the given period of study exclusive of additional subjects from outside the study program. The weight is determined by the number of ECTS points assigned to a given subject, referred to the sum of points for all subjects completed in a given period of study. When determining the weighted average, the subjects that were passed without the final grade with the entry "pass" and the grade from the competence examination are not taken into account.
14. The basis for calculating the final result of studies are:
1) average of the grades obtained during the entire period of study, the average is calculated as a weighted average, excluding: grades 2.0 (two), grades from the competence examination, and subjects with the grade "credit"; the grade point average is rounded and determined to two decimal places
2) positive evaluation of the competence exam
3) positive evaluation of the diploma thesis;
4) positive grade for the diploma examination
The final numerical result of the studies is the sum of:
a) 0,6 of the assessment mentioned in point 1
b) 0,2 of the assessment mentioned in point 2
c) 0,1 of the assessment mentioned in point 3
d) 0,1 of the assessment mentioned in point 4
15. The final numerical result of the studies is rounded and determined to two decimal places. The university graduation diploma includes the result of studies specified in words, in accordance with the rule:
4.85 and more excellent,
4.55 - 4.84 very good,
4.20 - 4.54 over good,
3.80 - 4.19 good,
3.40 - 3.79 quite good,
to 3.39 - sufficient.
Requirements for graduation / graduate statistics
The condition for graduating and obtaining a graduation diploma is:
• obtaining the learning outcomes specified in the study program, which have been assigned at least: 180 ECTS points - for first-cycle studies and 90 ECTS points – for second-cycle studies, submission of a competence exam, the purpose of which is to verify the degree of achievement of the directional learning outcomes, included in accordance with the applicable Polish Qualifications Framework,
• a positive evaluation of the diploma thesis, which is an independent study of a scientific, artistic or practical issue or a technical or artistic achievement, presenting the student's general knowledge and skills related to studies in a given field, level and profile, as well as the ability to independently analyse and draw conclusions,
• positive evaluation of the thesis defence.
Students of the first semester, both first and second cycle, are required to pass: training in the field health and safety in the workplace, training in the field of student rights and obligations, library training. In addition, first-cycle students in the third or fourth semester are required to complete classes in Scientific Information Management.
Forms of studies
Program Coordinator